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로지스틱스설명시작logistics service

vmi service

We are, on behalf of consignors, administrating timing and quantities of goods to be supplied to them and are providing them with integrated logistics information system in order to meet their needs more efficiently.

물류관리시스템 통합물류정보시스템
We are providing a one-stop logistics service through Logistics Center Management System to meet efficiently customer’s needs such as
inventory control and savings in transportation expenses.
We are also providing web-based Integrated Logistics Information System for our customers to enable them to search storage/delivery of cargoes and inventory status etc. on a real time basis by way of ID & P/W assigned wherever they are at any time. This Service should enhance not only our services to customers but also contribute to strengthen competitiveness of customers as they can access to transparent logistics informations relating to their cargoes and can reduce their expenses.
물류관리시스템 통합물류정보시스템도식화
제3자물류서비스 B.W.T 서비스
This is the Service that is administrating logistics professionally
at the request of third party consignor. We are providing a consulting
and VMS services for efficient control of expenses relating to warehouse
and labors customized to characteristics of consignors goods.

B.W.T stands for Bonded Warehouse Transaction. Under BWT trade, foreign suppliers store goods in the domestic bonded warehouse for their account and risk and sell those goods stored in the bonded warehouse to domestic importers. We secure 880 square meters of space in the bonded area which is available to our customers and our dedicated staffs are providing a comprehensive service related to BWT ranging from storage, delivery to inventory control.


  • . TEL:02-2077-3056
  • . FAX:02-3775-8980,898
  • .
